Personal Injury Law

Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers in New Haven

When drivers fail to follow the rules of the road, or when property owners fail to keep their premises reasonably safe, other people get hurt. When you are a victim of another person's negligence, our justice system calls that a "personal injury."

Why do we call it that? Well, if you are injured, especially in a motor vehicle accident, you will quickly learn that painful injuries seriously disrupt our lives. Like it or not, life today is lived balancing atop a mountain of multiple responsibilities, with the sense that any disruption to that balance will send us off the edge. Injuries can do just that, and they affect us both physically and emotionally.
personal injury
If you have been injured, you may be wondering:
  • How will I pay my bills if I am out of work?
  • Will I get access to good medical care?
  • Who will cover my medical bills, or will I be able to afford my copays?
  • Will my back or neck hurt every time I sit or stand for a long time, or every time I take a long walk?
  • Will I ever be able to dance, or swim, or play golf, or pick up my grandchild again?
  • How soon can I get a rental vehicle or have my car repaired, and what insurance company will pay for it?
  • Will my insurance premiums go up?

What Sets EA Law Apart From the Others?

Our law firm can help you overcome these and the many other anguishing issues you may face when injured in an accident. Together, we can help you re-establish your foothold, get you back on top, and bring your claim or case to a successful resolution.

Why EA Law?

New Haven is our home as it is yours. We have the experience and the know-how to get things done and win for you.Contactthe Law Offices of Esposito & Annunziata today!

Free Consultation

Contact Esposito & Annunziata for afree initial consultationabout your case. We will do everything in our power to help you make the best decision.
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